Recreational Pilot Licence

This is where it all begins, for the amateur pilot, this qualification is the most efficient and cost-effective path to being in control of an aircraft. For those seeking a career in aviation, this is the first milestone towards that goal.


A recreational pilot licence (RPL) is a CASA issued flight crew licence, which lets you fly light, single-engine aircraft without supervision and within 25 nautical miles of your home base.

How much does it cost?

For a comprehensive breakdown of costs involved in a typical student’s training please see our costs and value page.

For details of the cost for the Recreational Pilot Licence, please see below.

What you need to know

What are the requirements to gain an RPL?

You must be 16 years old to get an RPL. For each category rating you want to obtain you must: 

  • complete the relevant flight training 
  • undertake a general English language assessment (only required for the first category rating) 
  • pass an RPL theory exam (this can be set and conducted by your flying school) 
  • pass an RPL flight test 
  • have at least 25 hours flying time including a minimum of 20 hours dual and five hours as pilot-in-command 
    Do I need a medical assessment to apply for an RPL?

    YES – You need to have either a Class 1 or 2 medical certificate or a recreational aviation medical practitioner’s certificatebefore you can take the RPL flight test. 

    What are the requirements to use my RPL?
    • have a current flight review for the aircraft being flown (see CASA’s flight reviews information sheet for more details) 
    • meet the medical requirements 
    • have conducted three take-offs and landings in the previous 90 days if you wish to carry passengers 
    • have a Class 1 or 2 medical certificate to fly above 10,000 ft,or have another pilot with you who has a Class 1 or 2 medical certificate who is occupying a flight control seat in the aircraft and is authorised to pilot the aircraft. 

    Unless you hold a navigation endorsement you are also limited to flying within 25 nautical miles of your departure aerodrome, your flight training area and the route between your departure aerodrome and the flight training area. 

    You need to have a flight radio endorsement if you are going to use the aircraft radio during the flight. 

    If you want to fly in controlled airspace, you must also hold a controlled airspace endorsement. 

    If you want to fly at a controlled aerodrome, you must hold a controlled aerodrome endorsement. 

    How Many Passengers Can I Carry?

    If you have an RPL you can only carry one passenger. However, you can carry more than one passenger if you have a Class 1 or 2 medical certificate or if you have another pilot with you who is authorised to fly the aircraft, occupies a flight control seat and has a Class 1 or 2 medical certificate. 

    What can I NOT do with a basic RPL?

    As an RPL is a recreational licence, you cannot fly: 

    • More than 25 nautical miles from your departure aerodrome, your flight training area and the route between your departure aerodrome and the flight training area (unless you have a navigational endorsement) 
    • In controlled airspace or at a controlled airport (unless you have the relevant endorsement)  
    • Operate the aircraft radio (unless you have a flight radio endorsement)  
    • A multi-engine aircraft 
    • At night unless under supervision 
    • Under instrument conditions (IFR) 
    What if I want to do more than an RPL offers?

    Add an Endorsement: 

    • controlled aerodrome endorsement (RPCT) – fly from or to a controlled airport 
    • controlled airspace endorsement (RPCA) – fly in controlled airspace 
    • flight radio endorsement (RPFR – requires an aviation English language proficiency assessment) – use the aircraft radio 
    • recreational navigation endorsement – fly more than 25Nm form home base 

      Or Upgrade to a Private Pilot License