Additional Skills Training

If you’re looking to further your aviation skills, why not try one of our advanced skills training courses? All courses are able to be added on to current training. Looking for something else? Feel free to get in touch with us.


Manual Propeller Pitch Control Endorsement (MPPC) 

This Endorsement covers the use of a variable-pitch propeller system, also known as a Constant Speed Unit (CSU).

A variable-pitch propeller is a design feature that more powerful and efficient aircraft use in order to better utilise the power produced by the engine.  

The unit allows the propeller blade to change its angle relative to the airflow to ensure it is always operating at maximum efficiency. 

MPPC is found on most commercial aircraft and many popular private aircraft such as the Cessna 182 & 206, Beechcraft Bonanza and the Piper Lance. If you are wanting to fly these aeroplanes this design feature is required. The MPPC design feature endorsement is required for all pilots wanting to attain a Commercial Pilots Licence (CPL). 

The MPPC Endorsement is completed in the Grob 115 aircraft and requires a minimum of 3.5 hours of flight time billed at our regular dual rates. 

Grob plane side view

Retractable Undercarriage Endorsement (RU) 

The Retractable Undercarriage Endorsement is needed as you fly larger and faster aircraft that have a retractable undercarriage fitted.

This Endorsement covers the complexities of the retractable undercarriage and provides thorough training in its use and operation.

The RU Endorsement is completed in the Grob 115 aircraft and requires a minimum of 2.5 hours of flight time billed at our regular dual rates.

Contact our team to discuss starting your MPPC and RU Endorsements today.


Night VFR Rating

A Night Visual Flight Rules (NVFR) Rating is an invaluable addition to your flying licence, enabling you to fly after dark in good weather conditions.

Enjoy the breathtaking views of nighttime flying – a totally different experience!

Having the NVFR Rating also offers greater flexibility in your flights, allowing you to plan for longer flights which require landing after sundown, or even taking off before first light if the need arises.

Multi Engine Rating

Advance your flying skills to be able to fly twin-engine aircraft with a Multi-Engine Aircraft Class Rating (MEACR). Multi-engine aircraft can fly higher, faster and further than single-engine aircraft, but can also be more complicated to operate.

This rating will help you expand your flying capabilities as well as the range of aircraft available to you, which will not only improve the safety of your flying but also add to your overall enjoyment.